Flex Direction

Flex direction controls the direction in which children of a node are laid out. This is also referred to as the main axis. The main axis is the direction in which children are laid out. The cross axis is the axis perpendicular to the main axis, or the axis which wrapping lines are laid out in.

ROW (DEFAULT) Align children from left to right. If wrapping is enabled then the next line will start under the first item on the left of the container.

COLUMN Align children from top to bottom. If wrapping is enabled then the next line will start to the left first item on the top of the container.

ROW REVERSE Align children from right to left. If wrapping is enabled then the next line will start under the first item on the right of the container.

COLUMN REVERSE Align children from bottom to top. If wrapping is enabled then the next line will start to the left first item on the bottom of the container.
